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Note: All prices in US Dollars
API Accu-Clear, 4 fl oz
API BettaFix, 1.7 fl oz
API Goldfish Care Pack
API Tap Water Conditioner, 16 fl oz
Cobalt Select Betta Pellets, 1.2 oz
Grreat Choice Reptile Screen Cover, 16" x 8"
Hikari Pacman Frog PAC Attack Food, 1.41 oz
Hikari Vibra Bites, 0.176 oz
Instant Ocean Hydrometer
PondCare Algaefix, 1 gal.
PondCare Algaefix, 64 fl oz
Rep-Cal Growth Formula Juvenile Bearded Dragon Food, 6 oz
Rep-Cal Growth Formula Juvenile Iguana Food, 7.0 oz
Rep-Cal Maintenance Formula Tortoise Food, 12.5 oz
Zilla Reptile Munchies Mealworms, trial size .5 oz
Zilla Tropical Mist Humidifying Spray, 8 oz
Zoo Med Aquatic Turtle Food Sampler Pack
Zoo Med Dr. Turtle Calcium Block
Zoo Med Tortoise & Box Turtle Flower Food Topper, .21 oz
Zoo Med Zoo Menu Canned Bearded Dragon Food, Adult Formula 6 oz
Posted by Zoomania1 on November 7, 2012 at 2:00 PM under
Most of you would find it enticing to have your first tropical fish aquarium. The idea of owning an aquarium is in itself extremely exciting and the splendor of the tropical fishes you can own would make it an indelible experience. However, if you start to think about all the variety of tropical fishes that you would be buying right now, it is too premature to do so. Even before you pay a visit to the store for tropical fish, you must learn everything you can about the fish tank or the aquarium.
Now, we have all seen an aquarium and how it looks. Also, most of us know that tropical fish would require a heater to keep the temperatures warm. They aren’t accustomed with the temperate climate that is predominant in more than 90% of US mainland and islands. What has to be noted here is that a clean tank and a heater is just the tip of the iceberg of things that you need.
First you must pick a fish tank that you wish to transform into an aquarium. Depending on how large or small you wish it to be, you can opt for 20 gallons or even 75 gallons capacity. Tropical fishes for aquarium are not typically large in size but you would perhaps want to own quite a few hence large tanks work better. Also, tropical fishes tend to move around generously which would demand a lot of free space. Once you buy an aquarium, you have to treat it, fill it up, replace the water and repeat this exercise quite a few number of times. The tank must be absolutely clean. There is a time period of this exercise known as the nitrogen cycle which may take a few weeks before you can put any fish in there.
What you need after buying the tank are filters, heater, water pump, air pump, water quality test kits and other items such as rock, gravel and any decorative materials you would wish to use. You can find all these items at Zoomania1 (http://www.zoomania1.com/). You must fit in the filters, heater and pumps. Pour in the water and check the temperature set by the heater and perform a water quality test to record the pH value. Tropical fish requires warm, fresh and oxygenated water. There should be no salinity or ammonia contents and even the heater lend a uniform temperature. Tropical fish cannot sustain abrupt changes in temperature.
Once you know for sure that the water is clean, has optimum dissolved oxygen and the temperature, air pump pressure are all working fine, buy the fish of your choice and put it in.
Posted by Scott on October 19, 2012 at 2:48 PM under
Caring For A Spotted Gecko
A spotted gecko is one of the most favorite reptile pets. Most first time pet owners are recommended to opt for a spotted gecko since it is relatively easy to care and handle it than many other reptiles. Naturally, when I wished to own a reptile pet all the suggestions I got was to go for a spotted gecko. While it is a nice, cute and extremely cordial pet, attending to its requisites is of foremost significance. Over the months that I have been able to attend to my pet, there are several lessons learnt and thankfully none of them were the hard way.
A spotted gecko would be at its best when it has the ideal habitat. It is not just whether they have enough space within the terrarium that matters but every little thing. The moisture, temperature, their hideout and also the kind of food and calcium it is fed.
The first thing that you would have to ensure is the cage or the habitat. I was advised to opt for a 10 gallon terrarium for one spotted gecko and that seemed to turn out as a perfect choice. It offers enough space to place the plants and shelter along with other devices. The terrarium must be of glass and not nets or cage like. The top must have a mesh to allow proper ventilation and unhindered light source but the sides must be of glass. Spotted geckos cannot climb glass but they can escape cages or nets. If you are looking for some really nice and cost effective terrariums then http://www.zoomania1.com/ has quite a few good options.
Once you select the terrarium there are several minor to major things to put in. Artificial plants are good enough, you may wish to add some soil or litter at the bottom. This would lend moisture to the environment with the terrarium as well. The shelter or the hideaway is extremely important. This is where your spotted gecko would have to be at ease. I opted for the blue ribbon exotic reptile café log hideaway from Zoomania1.com and it seemed to be the perfect choice. The wood like natural setting made my gecko extremely comfortable.
Other things that you would need is a thermometer (placed ideally somewhere near the bottom of the terrarium), a hygrometer, a dome lamp or ceramic heater (geckos need 80 to 85 degrees F during day and about 70 F at night) and dishes for meals, water and calcium powder.
Posted by Zoomania1 on September 4, 2012 at 7:20 PM under
Owning a vivarium or snake aquarium can be a fascinating experience. Those who have had a fair amount of expertise with pet snakes are aware of the requisites however if you are about to own a pet snake for the first time, it can be an extensive learning experience.
A pet snake is pretty different to fishes and other common pets that people have. You must understand what a vivarium is and how you should prepare it. Also, you need to know the supplies that you are going to need on a regular basis.
First, creating the ideal habitat of your pet snake is extremely important. You must note that a pet snake requires different temperatures through the day and also different lighting conditions. Also, during the day and night there should be different temperatures across different areas within the habitat. Pet snakes prefer this difference as then they can go to their preferred area as their body demands. The size of the vivarium is the most difficult to determine for first time pet snake owners. You must note the size and length of your snake and also if it is genetically very active or inactive. Inactive snakes require a vivarium to be of the same length as that of their grown up body and three quarters of the same length as its width. For active pet snakes, the size should be double. That is, the length of the vivarium should be double that of the snake and likewise the width should also get doubled. You can find a horde of different cages, aquariums or vivariums for pet snakes at Zoomania ( http://www.zoomania1.com/).
Decorating the vivarium is up to your personal preference and also subject to what a specific breed of pet snake would like to have. Heating, lighting and feeding are the other aspects that you would need to master to care for a pet snake properly. Most pet snakes are comfortable in a comfortable tropical environment (a temperature of 77 to 87 degrees Fahrenheit). Also it requires adequate lights during the day time and absence of any light during nights. Daytime and nighttime would depend on a cycle inherent to specific breeds and you may want to learn about those at the time of buying the pet snake. There are several infrared bulbs which can cater to the heating requirements without any lights at Zoomania which are ideal for use during the resting and sleeping cycles of your pet snake.
Posted by Zoomania1 on August 15, 2012 at 12:36 PM under
Algae And Fish – How To Safely Remove It
Algae are one of the most common problems in a fish tank or aquarium. If you have an aquarium and fish in them, then algae would be a problem sooner than later. Right at the onset, you must note that the problem of algae is not necessarily a catastrophe. It is only natural. There are many ways to safely remove algae and there are effective solutions as well. So, you might want to breathe a sigh of relief.
First, you have to observe what factors are triggering the growth of algae. Typically there are three contributors – more nutrients in the water, more light in the aquariums and some problems with one or more parts of the aquarium. More nutrients in the water are typically excess fish food or excess fish waste. Excess light is simple to understand and malfunctioning of certain parts such as the heater, pumps, filters or the overall pH level of the water can contribute to the growth of algae.
Now, there are two primary ways of cleaning algae. One, you can remove the fish and cleanse the aquarium or you can keep the fish and clean the algae steadily. The first solution is ideal when the problem of algae has become massive. In such a scenario, you can use the fish nets and safely remove the fish onto another small pond, tank or fish bowl. Then scrape off all the algae from the aquarium, treat the surfaces and the decorative items with clean cold water and cleaning agents that are recommendable for your fishes. This is often not recommended because it is time consuming and also an extremely extensive exercise. Unless you are a pro, this can become a daunting challenge for you.
The best way to remove algae safely and without harming your fish or the aquarium is to either use algae killers or by replacing the water and reducing the light as well as nutrients. The easiest is to use Algae killing solutions such as the API Algae Destroyer ( http://www.zoomania1.com/category/262862). You can also replace 20% of the water each day and replace it with fresh water to reduce the concentration of the algae and eventually remove all the algae effect from the tank. Reducing the light and reducing the fish food would be advisable. Less light and less fish waste would starve the algae to death.